Butch and Paulie are at it already and it is only September 15th.
It is with great honor to announce David Allen Welter Sr. as one of our new board members.
David was our previous State of Illinois (R) General Assembly (101st) 75th District.
David served from July 2016 - January 2023.
He was on the following committee assignments: Appropriations-Capital; Appropriations-Public Safety; Transportation: Vehicles & Safety; State Government Administration; Public Utilities; Energy & Environment (Republican Spokesperson); Special Issues Subcommittee (TVS); Counties & Townships.
David was Human resources manager; former Grundy County Board chairman; member of Grundy Economic Development Council and Grundy County Chamber of Comm
erce; lifelong resident of Morris; married, has three children.
David and his wife Ashley are Owners / Brokers at RE/MAX Top Properties in Morris, IL.
Please help us welcome David aboard with a Jolly HO HO HO.